Iroquois Gas Transmission’s Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project would increase horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, to flow more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England. The two NY compressors include one in Dover and one in Athens. The…
New York State has made no bones about the fact that it HATES fossil energy — particularly natural gas. The state has banned fracking, permanently (for all time), preventing abundant supplies of natgas from being extracted within the state, dooming counties in Upstate to economic poverty. The state has blocked multiple gas pipelines from Pennsylvania…
This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. The bright red line indicates the pipeline’s proposed route (click for larger version) On February 1, 2019, National Grid filed a petition with the New York Public Service Commission for a “Certificate