Is There Something Rotten In Dinniman Country?

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  A troubling pattern of donations to Sen. Andy Dinniman campaigns raises question of whose special interests he’s representing against Mariner East pipelines. Pennsylvania Senator “Absent” Andy Dinniman is a caricature of the classic politician who pompously talks about the people’s interests. But, is that who he’s really representing


Absent Andy Dinniman Does Stupid Anti-Pipeline Stunt for Attention

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … Absent Andy Dinniman is at it again, pushing a bill to suspend Pennsylvania PUC and DEP regulation of natural gas liquid pipelines. It’s a stupid stunt. When it comes to pipeline development, Sen. Dinniman says he just wants to ensure it’s done right and done safely. The reality