Veolia expands recycling in UK to meet higher demand

Veolia Environment SA’s United Kingdom operations made a £1 million ($1.26 million) investment in its Dagenham, England, plastic recycling facility, near London, in response to growing demand for recycled plastics.

A founding member of the United Kingdom’s Plastic Pact, Veolia said it had increased its food grade production by 20 percent to meet the manufacturers’ increasing demand for recycled content.

The new investment involved adding a new granulator, a new processing kit and upgrading the washing process, Veolia added.

“The U.K. Plastics Pact has given a boost to the industry that was needed to make plastic recycling a reality,” said Richard Kirkman, chief technology and innovation officer, in a news release.

The pact, Kirkman added, has provided an opportunity for “an industry that is getting bad press” to become sustainable. To comply with the pact, Veolia has developed a number of projects with partners across the value chain.

“We still have a long way to go to 2025 but it’s extremely positive. Recycling is a chain of events from manufacturer, consumer to recycler and we need each part of the chain to make changes to have successful scalable results,” he added.

This post appeared first on Plastics News.