Marketed: Oklahoma Operated PDP With Leasehold Development

The following information is provided by Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Clearinghouse. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Charter Oak Production Co. LLC retained the Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC for the sale of an Oklahoma package of operated multi-well PDP and leasehold development in Love County.


  • HBP and Leasehold acreage
    • 2,835 net acres total
      • 1,848 HBP
      • 1,017 leasehold
  • Average 93% Working Interest (69% Net Revenue Interest)
  • Four proved developed producing (PDP) wells
  • Average daily gross production of 16 barrels of oil and 278,000 cubic feet of gas
  • Producing reservoirs include Arbuckle, Viola, Caney and Woodford
  • Recent offset activity
  • Blanket acreage with drilling opportunities
Charter Oak Production Oklahoma Operated Asset Map Love County (Source: Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC)
Charter Oak Production Oklahoma Operated Asset Map Love County (Source: Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC)

Bids are due by Dec. 3. Data room is currently open.

For information visit or contact Matt DaPra at [email protected] or 713-277-7923.

This post appeared first on Hart Energy.