Marketed: Chisholm Exploration Permian Basin, Nolan County, Texas

The following information is provided by EnergyNet. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to EnergyNet. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Chisholm Exploration Inc. retained EnergyNet for the sale of a Permian Basin asset located in Nolan County, Texas, through a sealed-bid offering.

Chisholm Exploration Permian Basin Asset Map (Source: EnergyNet)
Chisholm Exploration Permian Basin Asset Map
(Source: EnergyNet)


  • 100.00% Working Interest / 78.00% Net Revenue Interest in the Live Oak Lease:
    • Two Producing Wells
  • 100.00% Working Interest / 74.00% Net Revenue Interest in the Enexco Lease:
    • Four Producing Wells
  • Six-Month Average Net Income: $26,067 per Month
  • Six-Month Average 8/8ths Production: 65 barrels per day of Oil and 51,000 cubic feet per day of Gas
  • 520.00 Net HBP Leasehold Acres

Bids are due by 4 p.m. April 24. For complete due diligence information or email Lindsay Ballard, vice president of business development, at [email protected], or Denna Arias, director of transaction management, at [email protected].

This post appeared first on Hart Energy.