E&P Plus: November 2020 US Drilling Activity Highlights

1. Alaska

bp recompleted a Prudhoe Bay Field well in Alaska that was originally drilled in 2014 at the #06-22B Prudhoe Bay Unit. The well is in Section 2-10n-14e in Umiat Meridian. It was tested flowing 288 bbl of oil, 27.513 MMcf of gas and 1,051 bbl of water per day with a flowing tubing pressure was 903 psi. Production is from a Ivishak Shale perforated zone at 10,465 ft to 10,870 ft.

2. New Mexico

Oxy USA Inc. completed a Purple Sage Field-Wolfcamp well in Eddy County, N.M., ocated in Section 17-24s-29e. The #037H Salt Flat CC 20-29 Federal Com produced at a daily flow rate of 5,202 bbl of oil, 11.096 cf of gas and 9,516 bbl of water. Drilled to 20,363 ft (9,990 ft true vertical), production is from acidized and fractured perforations at 10,209 ft to 20,185 ft. Tested on a 21/64-inch choke, the shut-in casing pressure was 1,421 psi.

This post appeared first on Hart Energy.