Déjà Vu, Again (Again): Climate Litigation Mill Moves to New Target

When NPR’s Rockefeller-funded Climate Desk article “broke” the news on a new report this week, it took absolutely no time at all to connect the dots to the usual anti-fossil fuel crew behind the effort.

A closer look at the report – and reporting – reveals a classic “who’s who” of the funders, activists, and journalists that have desperately tried to make #InsertCompanyNameHereKnew a thing and are now honing in on gas stoves and indoor air quality. Newsflash: it’s not a thing.

This time the target is the American Gas Association (AGA), a trade group representing natural gas utilities, claiming they “knew” for decades about health impacts associated with gas stoves. The report, however, reads more like a flimsy, worn out book report, as it relies on old information that has been debunked time and time again.

Read the full story on EIDClimate.org.

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