The Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan Is All Cost and No Benefit

Ohio River Corridor

The Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan Is All Cost and No Benefit

Gregory WrightstoneGeologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” .. … Shutting down debate is no way to convince anyone, but Apple has killed Greg Wrightstone’s very successful Inconvenient Facts App. Was it to please Al Gore? On April 29, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf released the latest version of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Climate


Venture Capital Finds Deepwater Niche

Deepwater oil and gas, with a daunting reputation as a high-risk, high-cost industry, makes it a seemingly improbable marketplace for a fledgling startup with a mere $150,000 budget. Yet large, integrated companies are changing the way they see smaller, more nimble companies that can, in something of a paradox, research and test technology and theories


Enhancing Safety, Reducing Downtime in Congested Offshore Environments

Reducing HSE risk is a top priority for every offshore operation where multiple vessels and other offshore assets are involved.  Drilling rigs, workboats, offshore service vessels and crew-change assets must focus on their own tasks while remaining operationally mindful of everyone else operating in close proximity.  Marlin ensures safety while reducing operational downtime in congested


OTC 2019: Carlos Mastrangelo’s Pioneering Work On FPSO Design

Jessica Morales interviews Carlos Mastrangelo, managing partner, B-in Partners LLC, who was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. Mastrangelo is lauded for his pioneering efforts in the worldwide design and adoption of cost-efficient floating production, storage, and offloading units (FPSOs). He has been engaged in FPSO activities


SB-181 Supporters Promised It Was ‘Not a Moratorium.’ Now They’re Using It to Push Drilling Bans.

Less than a month after Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed into law legislation overhauling how the state regulates the oil and natural gas industry, its effects are already being seen in development curtailments that the bill’s proponents promised wouldn’t happen. During the long and somewhat tumultuous debate over SB-181, its supporters were consistent in their


Aurora still on the hunt for acquisitions

May 7, 2019 Updated 5/7/2019 Email Print Aurora Plastics LLC Aurora Plastics LLC purchased S&E Specialty Polymers of Lunenburg, Mass., in late 2017. Compounding firm Aurora Plastics LLC shows no signs of slowing its growth after purchasing Elastocon TPE Technologies Inc., Aurora’s fourth acquisition in two years. For Aurora, acquiring Springfield, Ill.-based Elastocon “increases our


Pioneer Natural Resources To Cut Nearly A Third Of Its Executive Ranks

Pioneer Natural Resources said May 7 it has asked nearly a third of its executives to leave their jobs as the U.S. shale producer continues to trim costs and considers selling more assets. The company expects to save $100 million annually with the job cuts and a new organizational structure, CEO Scott Sheffield, who surprisingly


Bombardier to sell Northern Ireland wing assembly plants

May 7, 2019 Updated 5/7/2019 Email Print Airbus The Airbus A 220 Aircraft manufacturer Bombardier has announced that it plans to sell its wing production operations in Northern Ireland. Operations are at four sites: Belfast, Newtownabbey, Dunmurry and Newtownards. In total, the plants employ about 3,600 people. The Bombardier plants represent a large proportion of


Molding expert discusses the importance of preventive maintenance

May 7, 2019 Updated 5/7/2019 Email Print LinkedIn Hartwick Exton, Pa. — Attendees at the second day of Boy Machinery Inc.’s April 9-11 open house — a day dedicated to thermoplastic molding — got a dose of good news about high-tech molding, resin drying and injection molds. Then they heard from Bill Hartwick. You could


2020 Dems Take Extreme Positions on Oil & Gas Development

With the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination getting more crowded every week, gaining the financial favor of deep-pocketed fringe activists could make a difference for candidates hoping to escape the first round of Democratic tryouts. It’s no secret that Big Green has plenty of greenbacks to go around this election cycle, and Democratic


Beckhoff sees steady growth for 2018

May 7, 2019 Updated 5/7/2019 Email Print Beckhoff Automation GmbH announced its 2018 financial results and announced an advance in machine learning for all areas of automation. Beckhoff, based in Verl, Germany, generated global revenue of 916 million euros ($1 billion) in fiscal year 2018, a 13 percent increase from 2017. Officials from Beckhoff credited


Dear Mr. Dinniman; You’re Full of It When It Comes to Pipeline Safety

Nicholas Romano Chester County Landowner … … Chester County resident Nick Romano challenges Senator Andy Dinniman’s pipeline safety assertions pointing out they’re short on facts and long on hyperbole. Back in November and March I wrote two letters to Senator Dinniman challenging his demagoguery on the subject of pipeline safety. They were, of course, to


PA DEP Fines EQT $330K for Minor Erosion Violations in SWPA

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has just fined EQT $330,775 for erosion and sedimentation violations at two well sites in Forward Township, Allegheny County, PA. Water with sediment in it


Rice Brothers Drop EQT Proxy Lawsuit – Feud Continues

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. On April 25 the Rice brothers (Toby and Derek) sued EQT alleging the company is trying to confuse shareholders by requiring some of the board candidates the Rice boys are proposing get


SWPA Gas-fired Elec Plant Next to Pot Farm Gets Ready to Build

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. In October 2017, MDN told you a second Marcellus gas-fired electric generating plant is planned for Greene County, PA (see 2nd Marcellus-Fired Electric Plant Proposed for Greene County, PA). Hill Top Energy