PA Landowners Feel Pinch of Low NatGas Prices in Royalty Checks

Ohio River Corridor

PA Landowners Feel Pinch of Low NatGas Prices in Royalty Checks

Like it or not, landowners are joined at the hip with the shale drillers who produce the natural gas from their land. When “the price” (which is actually a lot of different prices, depending on geography) of natural gas is high, everyone is in tall cotton. But when the price tanks, as it has over


Philly Dem Senator Loses Bid to Shut Down ME Pipelines

PA State Senator Andy Dinniman In April 2018, a Chester County, PA (Philadelphia area) Democrat State Senator by the name of Andy Dinniman (who we think looks like Tony Soprano) filed a formal, legal complaint with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), asking the PUC to shut down and keep closed all of the Mariner


GDS: How Gas Drilling Has Yielded Sustainable Susquehanna

Rick HidukManaging Editor of … …  GasSearch Drilling Services (GDS) is employing Susquehanna County residents to support the gas drilling that has been economically sustaining the county. GasSearch Drilling Services (GDS) operations manager Chad Gorman has seen substantial growth in the Marcellus shale region of northern Pennsylvania and especially in Susquehanna County, where he


Big Andy Dinniman Strikes Out Bigly in Commonwealth Court

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … Andy Dinniman is a big fellow and, appropriately enough, he has failed bigly in Commonwealth Court as a panel of judges has ruled he never even had standing. Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court today reversed a June 2018 order by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission that resulted from a taxpayer-funded


PUC Report: Natural gas-fired power generation will rise in Pa.

Natural gas-fired power generation is expected to increase in Pennsylvania over the next few years, according to the state Public Utility Commission’s (PUC’s) Electric Power Outlook for Pennsylvania 2018-2023 report released in August. The PUC’s report expects gas-fired power generation will account for as much as 45% of the state’s installed capacity by the end


Emails Reveal Misrepresentations About Bloomberg Attorney General Program

Newly published emails reveal that a Special Assistant Attorney General (SAAG) in the Maryland Attorney General’s office sought direction from a Bloomberg-backed group rather than the Maryland AG. This email exchange directly contradicts claims that these SAAGs, which are being placed in state AG offices around the country by the State Energy and Environmental Impact


The Green Corporatism Behind Most of Fractivism

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … …  Green corporatism is always in the background when it comes to fractivism and global warming hysteria, as government rent seekers try to mold a crisis mood. Global warming hysteria seems to get worse by the moment. Fractivism is, in many respects, a sub-set of the disease. It’s a refusal


Pennsylvania Energy Revolution Now in Second Decade!

Kelsey MulacCabot Oil & GasExternal Affairs, Pittsburgh … … Pennsylvania is now in the midst of a thrilling second decade of an energy revolution never imagined possible a dozen years ago and it has raised us all up. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, Energy Transfer and the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce hosted a Think


Shale Gas News – September 7, 2019

Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about methane emissions, offshore drilling, New York gas moratorium and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again; welcome Gem 104 as our FOURTH


Researchers find cost-effective method to unearth shale gas

Penn State researchers have developed a new method for exploring natural gas in the Marcellus Shale, and it shows potential high yield areas can be found more easily and with lower costs, according to Penn State News. Natural gas hot spots are traditionally determined using a combination of current production data and various geological tests.


Where Is Concerned Health Professionals of New York on This?

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … …  Concerned Health Professionals of New York is a bunch of phonies who couldn’t care less about the health of Upstate New Yorkers when it comes to wind. I reviewed Uni Blake’s takedown of the Concerned Health Professionals of New York’s Sixth edition of the “Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and


Scientific Consensus: Kamala Harris Did Not Sue Exxon Over Climate Change

During this week’s CNN presidential democratic debate, Erin Burnett, a CNN moderator, asked Senator Kamala Harris if she would sue ExxonMobil over the #ExxonKnew controversy. Harris replied quite confidently: “I have sued Exxon Mobil” CNN and The New York Times, among others, have pointed out: Harris, in fact, did not sue ExxonMobil. Continue reading at EID


15 drilling permits issued in Utica/Point Pleasant shale

Last week the Ohio Department of Natural Resources issued 15 permits for horizontal well drilling in the Utica-Point Pleasant shale, according to The Youngstown Business Journal. Ascent Resources Utica LLC received nine of the 15 permits — four in Belmont County, two in Harrison County and three in Jefferson County. EAP Ohio LLC received five permits


Caithness Energy Closes $1.6 Billion Construction Financing for Guernsey County Power Station

Caithness Energy announced today that it has successfully closed a $1.6 billion financing for the construction of a fully-permitted 1,875 megawatt combined-cycle natural gas electric generating facility located in Guernsey County, Ohio known as Guernsey Power Station, clearing the way for the project to move forward to construction. Caithness partnered with Apex Power Group to