Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – October 19, 2019

Ohio River Corridor

Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – October 19, 2019

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. The Guardian Plays Word Games There is no deceit so great as self-deceit. The Guardian, which I wrote


FERC Approves Transco Southeastern Trail Expansion Pipe Project

In April 2018 Williams filed a request with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to expand capacity along the mighty Transco Pipeline to increase the amount of gas the pipeline can flow to the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern U.S by 296,375 dekatherms (296 million cubic feet) per day (see Williams Seeks OK to Expand Transco to


PA DEP Seeks Comment on Draft Radiation Monitoring Regs for Shale

The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has drafted up new “technical guidance” on “radioactivity monitoring at solid waste processing and disposal facilities” specifically targeted at the shale industry. Translation: new regulations for how dumps (and drillers) monitor and report on radioactivity levels from incoming loads of drill cuttings. The DEP has posted their proposed


Leidy South Compressors Generate $100M Economic Impact, 680 Jobs

Did you know that building just two new compressor stations in Pennsylvania will bring the state an extra $100 million in economic activity and support 680 direct, indirect and induced jobs? We sure didn’t! Last week Williams filed a newly published study with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the economic impact of their proposed


Philly Pipe Protesters Go to Harrisburg, Picket Gov’s Empty Office

Credit: WITF Harrisburg (click for larger version) A small group of southeast Pennsylvania pipeline protesters drove themselves to Harrisburg on Wednesday (using fossil fuels to get there) to demand Gov. Tom Wolf put a halt to construction of the legally-permitted Mariner East 2 pipeline, and essentially shut down the operation of the entire Mariner East


NY Public Service Commission Admits Downstate is Short on NatGas

If this doesn’t beat all. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo refused to allow a new pipeline to get built, so National Grid, the gas utility for all of Long Island and part of New York City, had to ban new customer hook-ups. Cuomo blamed National Grid and got the state Public Service Commission (PSC) to


Mariner East Protest Was A Phony Baloney Stupid Political Trick

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  A Mariner East protest held the other day was a phony baloney stupid leftist political trick that only got traction within the fractivist echo chamber. Pick an issue, take an empty Capitol Building, organize a couple dozen of the usual suspect serial protestors, give them preprinted signs, coordinate


PG&E California Blackouts – Do They Portend Our Energy Future?

Daniel B. Markind, Esq.Flaster Greenberg PC PG&E California blackouts, intentional, tell us so much about what is wrong with that state’s energy policies and those planned for us by anti-gas folks. Pacific Gas and Electric provided its customers in northern California with a glimpse of the future last week. Due to extremely dry conditions coupled with the


Pa. DEP reaches agreement with CNX on plugging violations

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection recently reached a settlement with CNX Gas Company, issuing a Consent Order and Agreement for well plugging violations in four southwestern Pennsylvania counties, according to Farm and Dairy. The agreement requires CNX to post a $1.48 million performance bond and provides an extended schedule for the company to plug


That Fracking Childhood Cancer Scare: What We Aren’t Being Told

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … …  When the Guardian published a screed advancing a childhood cancer scare we weren’t told the full story about the Department of Health’s findings. Yesterday, I wrote about the Guardian‘s scandalous attempt to label Washington County as a “cancer alley.” I say scandalous because it was all husk and no


Mariner East Still Being Targeted by Southeast Pennsylvania Pols

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … The Mariner East pipeline is still being attacked by Southeast PA legislators determined to undermine this important project for the sake of political gain. A small group of mostly southeastern Pennsylvania pipeline opponents came to Harrisburg today to urge Gov. Tom Wolf to halt construction of the legally


ExxonMobil Planning to Build A Second Cracker Plant in Pennsylvania?

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) ExxonMobil is looking to do a cracker in Western Pennsylvania or environs and it could be in the same vicinity as Shell’s. Pennsylvania is still rising! Leave it to ace reporter Paul Gough from the Pittsburgh Business Times to unearth some earth-shattering news–that ExxonMobil is actively looking at locations in Beaver


Fake Fractivist News: The Bane of Progress and Sustainability

Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … …  The Guardian has published a piece of fake fractivist news intended to undermine the tremendous benefits the Shell cracker is bringing to Pennsylvania. The Guardian, a UK journal that has fallen on hard times and now depends on donations to survive, has published an article in its US edition


O&G becoming greater economic factor in NEO

Oct 15, 2019 | By Rick Stouffer, Editor, Kallanish Energy NORTH CANTON, Ohio – Drilling in Ohio’s portion of the Utica Shale Play is celebrating a decade of tapping the play’s hidden fossil fuels. And, while the benefits associated with the play, including created jobs, collected taxes and, for many inhabitants in eastern Ohio, a


Enterprise to expand ATEX pipeline

On Monday Enterprise Products Partners announced plans to proceed with a 31% capacity expansion of its Appalachia-to-Texas (ATEX) ethane pipeline, according to Kallanish Energy. The decision to move forward was determined by customer commitments received during a 30-day biding period that ended Sept. 25. The 1,200-mile ATEX line transports ethane from the Marcellus/Utica Shale plays in