ExxonMobil acquires exploration acreage offshore Egypt

Ohio River Corridor

ExxonMobil acquires exploration acreage offshore Egypt

Oil supermajor ExxonMobil said Monday it’s secured more than 1.7 million acres for exploration offshore Egypt from an undisclosed buyer, Kallanish Energy reports. “These awards strengthen our exploration portfolio in the Eastern Mediterranean,” said Mike Cousins, senior vice president of Exploration and New Ventures at ExxonMobil.  The acquisition includes acreage in the 1.2-million-acre North Marakia


Slowdown predicted for natural gas production in 2020

Marcellus and Utica shale gas producers had a record year in 2019, as Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia accounted for one-third of U.S. natural gas production, according to WSKG. However, a slowdown is being predicted for 2020. As Marcellus and Utica shale drillers produced 30 billion cubic feet of natural gas in 2019, they drove


Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – December 29, 2019

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Fossil Fuels Essential to Middle Class Prosperity Joe Biden’s loose comment about being willing to destroy oil and gas jobs for


Delaware Riverkeeper Losers Denied at Supreme Court: ERA Plan Dashed

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Delaware Riverkeeper a/k/a PovertyKeeper plans to impose its ideology 200 miles from the Delaware using the Environmental Rights Amendment club are dead. The Delaware Riverkeeper, ignoring its charter and using money from the William Penn Foundation, traversed 200+ miles from the Delaware River to fight natural gas development


Boston Gets More Gas and It’s Not the Beans! Really!

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Boston will get a lot lot more gas soon and not from those Boston beans. It will be as a result of a Kinder Morgan pipeline upgrade fought by its idiot pols. Among a flurry of new approvals, last Thursday the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gave final approval


Emissions rule passes environmental quality board

A rule aimed at reducing methane emissions from Pennsylvania’s existing oil and gas operations recently passed the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board by a vote of 18-1, according to Trib Live. The rule was originally announced by the state Department of Environmental Protection in December 2018. Its aim is to reduce methane leaks from oil and


Fracking ban could cost Ohio, Pennsylvania billions

A ban on fracking would hit Ohio’s and Pennsylvania’s economies hard, according to a study released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Researchers predict an outright ban on fracking would mean Pennsylvania would lose roughly 609,000 jobs and $261 billion in gross domestic product by 2025. Simultaneously, the average consumer would see his cost of


Merry Christmas 2019 & Happy New Year 2020 from MDN

We wish you a Merry Christmas..and a Happy New Year! MDN will take off (i.e. no new stories posted) between Dec. 24 and New Year’s Day in observance of the holiday season. Don’t worry, we’ll still keep an eye on the news and if anything earth-shattering happens, we’ll post about it. However, our intent is


Gulfport Energy Corp. dumps non-core assets

What is fracking? Fracking is a slang term for hydraulic fracturing. Fracturing is a process by which highly pressurized fluid is pumped thousands of feet into the ground to fracture rock formations. The goal is to release the natural gas that’s locked inside the rock. Is it safe? What most concerns people about fracturing is


Harbour: Tariffs on Chinese molds will help US tool shops compete

Tariffs on injection molds from China will help U.S. tool shops compete, but may hurt plastics processors, according to tooling analyst Laurie Harbour. The U.S. government’s 25 percent tariff on injection molds from China appears poised to go back in place later this month. A formal announcement may come as soon as Dec. 23. The


Next-generation electronics, auto driving growth for Polyplastics

Polyplastics Co. Ltd. of Tokyo makes a wide range of engineering resins. The firm’s materials portfolio includes acetal (POM), polybutylene terephthalate, fiber-reinforced PET, liquid crystal polymer, polyphenylene sulfide and cyclic olefin copolymer. In 2018, Polyplastics posted sales of more than $1.3 billion. The firm employs 2,100 worldwide. Plastics News recently caught up with Gregor Bommel,


Report: Oil, Natural Gas Development Not Responsible for Pavillion’s Naturally Occurring Water Issues

Oil and natural gas development is not responsible for groundwater issues in Pavillion, according to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality report, Final Pavilion, Wyoming Gas Field Domestic Water Wells Report on Recommendations for Further Investigation (Final Report), released this week. This latest report represents the final chapter of the WDEQ’s more than six year-long


Chase Plastics sets holiday donation record

Chase Plastic Services Inc. has made the holidays a little brighter with its fourth annual Giving Card campaign. This year’s campaign wrapped up on Dec. 20, with Chase — a resin distributor based in Clarkston, Mich. — donating a total of $7,500 to three charities that had been nominated by the firm’s customers. In previous


Women comprise a third of the technology team on Ford’s Mach-E

DETROIT — Ford Motor Co. instituted a new product development process for the Mustang Mach-E prioritizing speed and collaboration among engineers and designers. One of the teams behind the car also is unique for its gender diversity. Of the roughly 75 employees who worked on the electric crossover’s advanced driver-assist technology — including a new


Williams WV Compressor Station Explodes, Catches Fire

The Battle Run Compressor Station, owned and operated by Williams and located in Valley Grove (Ohio County), West Virginia, exploded and caught fire Saturday night. Fortunately no one was injured and the fire was extinguished within a half hour. Williams has “isolated” the flow of gas to the facility while the incident is investigated.This post