Kinder Morgan Holds Open Season for SFPP Pipeline System

Ohio River Corridor

E&P Highlights: June 10, 2024

Here’s a roundup of the latest E&P headlines, including a decline in global drilling activity and new contract awards. This post appeared first on Hart Energy.


Williams Asks FERC to Place More of Regional Energy Access Online

Williams’ Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project involves expanding the mighty Transco pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to deliver an extra 829 MMcf/d of Marcellus gas to PA, NJ, and Maryland. Part of the project was completed and went online last year (see Williams 1Q—Regional Energy Access Pipe Coming Online Early). The balance of…


Immediate Demand for NatGas in Roanoke as Soon as MVP Goes Live

For all of the griping and complaining and moaning from the radical left (and uppity Virginia horse farmers) about the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) being unnecessary and a blight against humanity, wonder of wonders, customers are WAITING for the gas that will flow through MVP! In fact, the CEO of Roanoke Gas Co. says “We…


MVP Restoration Work in Jefferson National Forest Begins

A major effort by the radical left to block the 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) from crossing a piddly 3.5 miles of the Jefferson National Forest (JNF) failed. But not for lack of trying. Big Green paid protesters to sit in trees, chain themselves to cars, and all manner of illegal tactics to try and…


Columbia Gas M-U Trading Hub Now Untethered from NYMEX

The price of natural gas traded at the Henry Hub (HH) in Southern Louisiana is THE benchmark price used for the entire industry in the U.S. All other prices are compared to the HH. The HH serves as the official delivery location for futures contracts on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). The hub is…


Onerous New EPA Regs Would Prevent Brand New OH Gas-Fired Plant

Last Thursday, MDN brought you the news that U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (from West Virginia) and Congressman Troy Balderson (from Ohio) introduced a resolution to block the EPA’s latest attack against the natural gas industry (see 44 Senators, 138 House Mbrs Intro Resolution to Block EPA Power Reg). Using 1,020 pages of new regulations,…


Business Groups Call Foul On Michigan AG’s Anticipated Lawsuit

The Michigan’s Attorney General’s office continues to face strong pushback from local leaders in response to its announcement last month that it is seeking outside counsel to help the state file a climate lawsuit against oil and gas producers. Most recently, a group of the state’s largest business organizations called the intended lawsuit a “dangerous and inappropriate use of a state