Briggs v SWN Rule of Capture/Trespass Court Case Resurrected

Ohio River Corridor

Briggs v SWN Rule of Capture/Trespass Court Case Resurrected

In January 2020, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled in THE most consequential lawsuit for Marcellus Shale drilling we’ve seen, a case called Briggs v Southwestern Energy (see HUGE NEWS: PA Supreme Court Keeps ‘Rule of Capture’ for Fracking). The PA Supremes ruled in favor of Southwestern, retaining the “rule of capture” in the Keystone State….


Reaction For and Against FERC Permission for MVP to Start Up

Yesterday, MDN brought you the great news that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had given permission to Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) late Tuesday to begin service along the 303-mile natural gas pipeline from northern West Virginia to southern Virginia (see FERC Grants Permission to Mountain Valley Pipeline to Start Flowing). As the reality of…


Grid Operator Warns Climate Policies Pushing NY Toward Blackouts

The grid operator overseeing New York State is warning that the Democrats’ green energy agenda is pushing the grid toward blackouts. The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), which oversees and manages the state’s power grid, published its 2024 Power Trends report last week, assessing the outlook for energy supply and demand in the region…


PA DEP Customer Service Advisory Board…Has No Customers on It

Only in the dysfunctional Josh Shapiro administration. Yesterday, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced it had added a Customer Experience Management Advisory Council (CXMAC) to advise the DEP’s Acting Secretary and so-called Chief Customer Experience Officer on strategies and improvements to enhance service delivery to the public. The thing is, none of the…


Digging Deeper into EIA’s Replacement for Drilling Prod. Report

Yesterday, MDN told you that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has decided not to produce its monthly Drilling Productivity Report (DPR), a report that delves into the latest numbers for each of the seven major shale plays in the U.S. (see Biden EIA Dumps Detailed Monthly U.S. Shale Drilling Report). Instead, EIA said it…


Venture Global Announces LNG Deal with DTEK of Ukraine

Venture Global has been screwing its contracted customers by denying LNG shipments to them from its Calcasieu Pass (CP) LNG export facility for over two years, instead shipping over 200 cargoes to other buyers (at higher prices) rather than honoring its contracts. So why in the world would ANYONE sign a new deal with Venture…


Other Stories of Interest: Thu, Jun 13, 2024

NATIONAL: The Gensler SEC loses again; The latest on the war against internal combustion vehicles; Fossil fuels – the best-kept secret in our world today; INTERNATIONAL: China is main beneficiary of West’s futile energy transition push. Please Login to view this content. (Not a member? Join Today!) The post Other Stories of Interest: Thu, Jun


FERC Grants Permission to Mountain Valley Pipeline to Start Flowing

Wonder of wonders. Yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted its permission for the 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to begin flowing natural gas. YES!!!! We are elated! Finally, nine years after MVP filed for permission to build, the pipeline is now (or soon will be) flowing Marcellus/Utica gas to the Southern U.S. This…


Continued Concerns with Water Wells Near EQT Frac-Out in Greene Co.

In July 2022, MDN brought you news of a possible frac-out, or “inadvertent return” that happens when drilling mud pops out of places where it’s not supposed to — places outside the borehole being drilled (see Possible Frac-Out Reported at EQT Well Site in Greene County, PA). A landowner who lives near a well being…


June STEO Predicts Marcellus/Utica Production to Fall 4% in 2024

Once a month, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) analysts issue the agency’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), their best guess about where energy prices and production will go in the next 12 months. We sometimes poke good-natured fun at the EIA because their predictions go up in one month, and in the next month, they…