ESG Clean Energy System Removes 100% of CO2 from Gas-Fired Plant

Ohio River Corridor

ESG Clean Energy System Removes 100% of CO2 from Gas-Fired Plant

In December 2022, Rice Acquisition Corp II, a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) started by the Rice brothers (Danny, Toby, and Derek), announced a deal to acquire NET Power — an electric power developer with revolutionary new technology to capture every last molecule of carbon dioxide from natural gas-fired power plants (see Dan Rice Buys…


PA Finally Has a State Budget For 2024/25 — Is It a Good One?

We’ve covered the Pennsylvania state budget negotiations and passage in years gone by when PA’s then-Gov. Tom Wolf (far-left Democrat) requested a Marcellus-killing severance tax every year he was in office (eight loooong years). We’ve largely ignored the PA budget this time around under PA’s do-nothing dud of a governor, Josh Shapiro, as his proposed…


Refracs Becoming Common Practice for Oil & Gas Operators

Refracs, also called re-entries and re-completions, re-enter an existing and declining well to access more rock and pump new life out of it. Refracs are becoming a much more common practice for operators. There are two main types of refracs. While refracs are mainly used in oil wells, there are times when they are used…


FTC Requests More Info on $17.1B ConocoPhillips, Marathon Oil Deal

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s request for additional information regarding ConocoPhillips’ $17.1 billion acquisition of rival Marathon Oil is likely to delay the transaction. Other recent energy M&A deals have faced similar “second requests” from the FTC. This post appeared first on Hart Energy.


Marcellus Sees Soaring Costs, Lower Production – Ranking Decreased

Operators and investors are more concerned than ever about the remaining inventory of drillable locations. Who has it? Where is it? Will it be economic? The North American inventory rankings by shale play are always of interest. Enverus Intelligence Research (EIR), a subsidiary of Enverus, recently issued a report that ranks the plays by the…


Fracker Wants to Drill Under State Wildlife Area in Carroll County

In January 2023, Ohio House Bill (HB) 507 became law with the signature of Gov. Mike DeWine (see OH Gov. Signs Bill Expanding Drilling in State Parks, NatGas “Green”). The new law allows shale drilling under (but not on top of) Ohio state-owned land, including state parks. HB 507 encourages (pushes for) more drilling under…