Enterprise Prices Senior Notes Offering at $2.5 Billion

Ohio River Corridor

9 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jul 22 – 28

For the week of July 22 – 28, a total of nine permits were issued to drill new shale wells in Marcellus/Utica. Pennsylvania had the fewest with just two new permits, one each for Seneca Resources and Rice Drilling (i.e., EQT). Ohio had the most with four new permits, all of them for EOG Resources…


FERC OKs Request to Place Balance of Transco REAE Online Early

On July 12, Williams asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for permission to bring the final pieces of the Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project online by the end of July (see Williams Asks FERC to Place Balance of Transco REAE Online Early). Then, on July 30, three extremely liberal judges from the U.S….


EQT & Others Enter “Phase 1” of Hydrogen Hub; DOE Cuts $30M Check

An important milestone was reached on Wednesday regarding the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2). You may recall that ARCH2 was one of seven projects to win the Bidenista Hunger Games competition to receive a chunk of $7 billion to build a regional hydrogen hub (see Hydrogen Hub Winners Announced – WV Takes Prize in…


WV Marcellus Production Up 9.5% in One Month Thanks to MVP

On Friday, June 14, the 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) that runs from Wetzel County, WV, to Pittsylvania County, VA, announced the pipeline had, after a decade of planning and building, finally begun to flow Marcellus/Utica molecules (see Confirmed: M-U Gas Now Flowing Through Mountain Valley Pipeline). The effect of the molecules flowing through MVP…


The Story of Utica Oil Part 1: Encino Becomes Most Active Driller

We’ve written a number of times about the Ohio Utica Shale and its beginnings with gas legend Aubrey McClendon, who, as CEO of Chesapeake Energy, was one of (if not THE) first to recognize the Utica as an oil play. However, it was a successor company, Encino Energy, that figured out how to coax large…


Lefties Try to Convince PA Supreme Court RGGI Carbon Tax is a Fee

One thing we admire about the left is that they never give up. Yes, they cheat. Yes, they lie. Yes, they use foreign money. But the environmental left never, ever, gives up. An example: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) has filed an amicus (“friend of the court”) brief asking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to reverse…


New LNG Bunker Barge Comes to Port of Savannah, Georgia

Some exciting news to share related to the Marcellus/Utica. Shipping company Crowley announced it had accepted delivery of the LNG bunker barge Progress, the largest U.S. Jones Act-compliant vessel of its kind, after construction was completed at Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. The Progress will expand access to cleaner energy for ship operators…


Other Stories of Interest: Fri, Aug 2, 2024

MARCELLUS/UTICA REGION: Cenovus Energy shuts down unit at Ohio refinery; Teachers provided with lessons and materials on the natgas and oil industry; OTHER U.S. REGIONS: Chevron, Hess merger delayed further as arbitration hearing set for 2025; NATIONAL: Dems are ‘starting to recognize’ green energy push ‘all a fallacy’; Major CCS pipelines inch closer to reality;…