Bobby Marandi, PwC U.S. energy leader, and David Sapin, principal at PwC Connected Solutions, spoke with Hart Energy’s Jessica Morales about ways oil and gas companies can leverage existing contact tracing capabilities of mobile devices and other means of technology to manage workforce safety and privacy concerns during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
“I think it is a balancing act of identifying best ways to ensure social distancing. There is the balance of ensuring safety but also managing privacy concerns,” Sapin said.
Jump to a topic:
- Risks associated with returning to work: (0:40)
- Mobile device contract tracing: (2:30)
- Leveraging existing technologies: (3:30)
- Identifying who’s at risk: (5:24)
- Tools to track virus exposure: (7:13)
- Protecting offsite workers: (9:20)
- The path forward: (10:03)
This post appeared first on Hart Energy.